Green Window replacement Maryland

Green Windows

Environmentally friendly. Locally sourced. Reducing your carbon footprint. Energy-efficient. These phrases and claims have become increasingly important to consumers in all facets of life – from locally grown food and drink offerings to cars that pollute less, and appliances that maximize efficiency. What do all of these industries have in common? A singular goal of…

roofing cost per square foot Maryland

How Much Does a Roof Cost?

If you’re in the market for a new (or replacement) roof, you’re probably asking, “What’s the cost to build a roof?” There is no short answer to this question, because roof replacement costs vary, based on a variety of factors. To help with the decision-making process, consider the items below before selecting a new roof: Do…

cold weather roofing Maryland

Roofing in Colder Climates

If you live in a cold climate – or you experience cold temperatures during the winter months – then you need to consider cold weather roofing that can withstand the low temperatures, along with potential ice and snowstorms. Fortunately, there are many options available to fit your style and budget. Roofing in Cold Weather: Preferred…

Roof Ventilation System Maryland

Roofing Ventilation

To maintain an energy-efficient home, proper ventilation is a must – and that includes your roofing ventilation. But different homes have different needs, and how you ventilate your home largely depends on the climate in which you live. For this reason, your potential roof ventilation needs will depend on the geographic location of your home.…